Chapter 8 Adding Harmonies in a Specific Key (The Harmonist)
7. Refer to the owner’s manual for the external device,
and send MIDI note messages to the GR-33.
If you are using the FC-200, press the “MODE” button
on the pedal to switch to the Note mode.
No matter what mode the GR-33 is in, it will receive
MIDI Note On messages and switch HARMONY KEY to
the corresponding note.
* The Harmonist key remote function has no effect on a patch for
which Harmonist has not been selected in “HAR/ARP
SELECT,” even if “HARMONY REMOTE” is set to “On.”
* When “HARMONY REMOTE” is “On,” the GR-33’s
internal sound generator does not produce sounds in response
to received MIDI Note messages—Note messages are
interpreted as instructions for changing keys, not for playing
sounds. For this reason, “HARMONY REMOTE” should be
left “Off” when not needed.
* “HARMONY REMOTE” is effective only in “Mono Mode”
(p. 88).
Switching Between Major and
Minor During a Performance
In Pedal Effect mode (p. 26), you can press the “Up” side of an
external BANK SHIFT pedal to change the patch’s “HARMONY
KEY” setting (p. 84) from major to minor, or vice versa.
(for example, C# → C#m → C# → C#m...)
On some patches, the selected “HARMONY STYLE” setting
may be “Diminish”: the harmony is fixed at a diminished
third above the melody, regardless of the “HARMONY KEY”
setting. In such cases, the operation described above does not
toggle “HARMONY KEY” between major and minor key—
instead it toggles “HARMONY STYLE” between “Diminish”
and “+3rd.” When you switch to “+3rd,” the key will be the
key specified by “HARMONY KEY.” As a result, you can
toggle between diminished and a major (or minor) key.
(Example: Diminish → F → Diminish → F..., or Diminish →
Gm → Diminish → Gm..., and so on)
* To ensure proper reproduction of your performance when the
GR-33 is used with a MIDI sequencer, the current major/
minor toggled state is output from MIDI OUT.