Chapter 11 Appendices
●Inquiry Message
Identity Request
Bytes Comments
F0H Exclusive Status
7EH ID number (Universal Non-realtime Message)
10H Device ID
06H SubID#1
01H SubID#2
F7H EOX (End of Exclusive)
* The 7FH (Broadcast) device ID is also supported.
* Identity request can be received when Bulk Load is standby in System mode.
* When an Identity Request is received, the GR-33 will transmit the following Identity
❍Identity Reply
Bytes Comments
F0H Exclusive Status
7EH ID number (Universal Non-realtime Message)
10H Device ID (fixed at 10H)
06H SubID#1
02H SubID#2
41H ID number(Roland)
30H 01H Device Family Code
00H 00H Device Family Number Code
00H 00H 00H 00H Software Revision Level
F7H EOX (End of Exclusive)
* When an Identity Request is received, the GR-33 will transmit the above Identity Reply.
4. Parameter Address Map
Addresses and sizes are expressed in 7-bit hexadecimal values.
Address MSB LSB
Binary 0aaa aaaa 0bbb bbbb 0ccc cccc0ddd dddd
7 bit Hex AA BB CCDD
Binary 0sss ssss 0ttt tttt 0uuu uuuu0vvv vvvv
7 bit Hex SS TT UUVV
| Start | |
| Address | Contents and Remarks |
| 00 00 00 00 | System Area *4-1|
| 01 00 00 00 | Patch A11 (1) *4-2|
| 01 01 00 00 | Patch A12 (2) *4-2|
| 01 02 00 00 | Patch A13 (3) *4-2|
| 01 03 00 00 | Patch A14 (4) *4-2|
| : | : |
| 01 7F 00 00 | Patch D84 (128) *4-2|
| 02 00 00 00 | Temporary Patch *4-2|
* 4-1 System Area(Total size = 24H)
| Offset | | | |
| Address | Data | Contents | Remarks |
| 00 00 00 | 00 - 01 | OUTPUT SELECT | Line, Guitar Amp |
| 00 00 01 | 00 - 03 | GUITAR SELECT | Gtr1 - 4 |
| 00 00 02 | 00 - 7E | MASTER TUNE | 427.4 - 452.6 [Hz] |
| 00 00 03 | 00 - 01 | G.AMP SIM | Off, On |
| 00 00 04 | 00 - 07 | BEND RANGE | 0, 1, 2, 4, 5, 7, 12, 24 [semi tone] |
| 00 00 05 | 00 - 01 | BEND DATA THIN | Off, On |
| 00 00 06 | 00 - 1A | BASIC CHANNEL | Mono 1 - 11, Poly 1 - 16 |
| 00 00 07 | 00 - 01 | S1/S2 FUNCTION | Normal, Patch Select |
| 00 00 08 | 00 - 01 | DIAL FUNCTION | PATCH & VALUE, VALUE Only |
| 00 00 09 | 00 - 01 | DISPLAY TYPE | Grp/Bnk/Num, Decimal |
| 00 00 0A | 00 - 01 | BEND REQ SW | Off, On |
| 00 00 0B | 00 - 01 | VOL SEND SW | Off, On |
| 00 00 0C | 00 - 07 | PICKUP SENS 1 (String #1)| 1 - 8 |
| 00 00 0D | | (String #2)| |
| 00 00 0E | | (String #3)| |
| 00 00 0F | | (String #4)| |
| 00 00 10 | | (String #5)| |
| 00 00 11 | | (String #6)| |
| 00 00 12 | 00 - 07 | PICKUP SENS 2 (String #1)| 1 - 8 |
| 00 00 13 | | (String #2)| |
| 00 00 14 | | (String #3)| |
| 00 00 15 | | (String #4)| |
| 00 00 16 | | (String #5)| |
| 00 00 17 | | (String #6)| |
| 00 00 18 | 00 - 07 | PICKUP SENS 3 (String #1)| 1 - 8 |
| 00 00 19 | | (String #2)| |
| 00 00 1A | | (String #3)| |
| 00 00 1B | | (String #4)| |
| 00 00 1C | | (String #5)| |
| 00 00 1D | | (String #6)| |