Chapter 6 Using the Built-in Effects
26: OD ➔ CHO (Overdrive ➔ Chorus)
This effect connects an overdrive and chorus in series.
OD DRIVE 0–127 #
Specify the amount of distortion for the overdrive. The
volume will change together with the amount of distortion.
OD PAN (Overdrive pan) L64–0–R63
Specify the stereo location of the overdrive sound.
A setting of L64 is far left, 0 is center, and R63 is far right.
CHO PRE DLY (Chorus pre delay time) 0.0–100 ms
This sets the interval from the time when the original sound
is played until the time when the chorus sound is played.
CHO RATE (Chorus rate) 0.05–10.0 Hz
Specify the modulation frequency of the chorus sound.
CHO DEPTH (Chorus depth) 0–127
Specify the modulation depth of the chorus sound.
CHO BALANCE (Chorus balance)
Specify the relative volume levels for the overdrive sound
that does not pass through chorus, versus that which does.
A setting of D100:0E will result in output of solely the overdrive
sound, while a setting of D0:100E will cause only the overdrive
sound that is passed through chorus to be output.
LEVEL (Output level) 0–127
Specify the output volume.
27: OD ➔ FL (Overdrive ➔ Flanger)
This effect connects an overdrive and a flanger in series.
OD DRIVE 0–127 #
Specify the amount of distortion for the overdrive. The
volume will change together with the amount of distortion.
OD PAN (Overdrive pan) L64–0–R63
Specify the stereo location of the overdrive sound.
A setting of L64 is far left, 0 is center, and R63 is far right.
FL PRE DLY (Flanger pre delay time) 0.0–100ms
Specify the time delay from the original sound until the
flanger sound is heard.
FL RATE (Flanger rate) 0.05–10.0 Hz
Specify the modulation frequency of the flanger sound.
FL DEPTH (Flanger depth) 0–127
Specify the modulation depth of the flanger sound.
FL FEEDBACK (Flanger feedback level) -98–+98 %
Specify the proportion (%) of the flanger sound that is to be
returned to the input.
Positive (+) settings will return the sound to the input with
the original phase, while negative (-) settings produce an
inverted phase.
You can set a value from -98% to +98%, in steps of 2%. There
is no feedback when the value is zero.
FL BALANCE (Flanger balance) D100:0E–D0:100E
Specify the volume balance between the overdrive sound
that does not pass through the flanger and the overdrive
sound that does pass through the flanger.
A setting of D100:0E will output only the overdrive sound,
and a setting of D0:100E will output only the overdrive
sound that is passed through the flanger.
LEVEL (Output level) 0–127
Specify the output volume.
L in
R in
L out
R out
Balance E
Balance E
Balance D
Balance D
L in
R in
L out
R out
Balance E
Balance E
Balance D
Balance D