Chapter 6
Meters, queues and IPQoS
E-NIT-CTC-20041213-0013 v0.5
priority value Description
strict In case strict is selected as scheduling algorithm, each
queue will be served as long as data is present in the
queue. This could mean heavy delay.
WFQ In case WFQ is selected as scheduling algorithm the
queues (WFQ4 .. WFQ1) are being served based upon
weight and time. The higher the weight the higher the
priority. The longer the time a packet spends in the
queue the higher the priority.
WRR In case WRR is selected as scheduling algorithm the
queues (WFQ4 .. WFQ1) are being served based upon
weight only. The higher the weight the higher the
realtimerate value Description
number (0..100) The percentage of the available bandwidth that is
allowed to be used to serve the real time queue. If set
to 100 the other queues will not be served in case of
congestion and they will experience starvation.
burstsize value Description
number (1..64) Burst size in kilo bytes (KB).