Chapter 6
Meters, queues and IPQoS
E-NIT-CTC-20041213-0013 v0.5
6.5 Queue command group
Introduction With the queue command group the queues can be individually configured.
Parameters like queue propagation, ENC marking and queue size can be defined here.
The parameters that can be configured through this command group are mainly used
for advanced tuning of the queues.
Queue config command As seen before, the SpeedTouchâ„¢ has 6 build-in queues per ATM interface . These
queues are pre-defined. The following parameters can be modified by using the
config command in the queue subgroup :
Parameter Description
dest The name of the interface of which you want to change the
parameters. Typically, a phonebook entry.
queue The number of the subqueue.
propagate Propagate the packets in lower priority queue instead of
dropping them.
ecnmarking Enable Explicit Congestion Notification for IP packets in this
ackfiltering Enable filtering of TCP ACK packets.
maxpackets The maximum number of packets in the subqueue.
maxbytes The maximum subqueue size in kilo bytes (KB).
respacktes The reserved number of packets in the subqueue.
resbytes The reserved subqueue size in kilo bytes (KB).
hold The hold time in micro-seconds for early discard strategy.
markprob The maximum packet marking probability in parts per mille for
early discard strategy.