Chapter 6
Meters, queues and IPQoS
E-NIT-CTC-20041213-0013 v0.5
6.4.1 Meter config command
Meter parameters The table below shows all the parameters that can be configured by using the
meter config command.
Meter config
parameters explained
In this section we will explian the meter parameters in detail and how to configure a
Parameter Description
name The name of the IPQoS meter.
label The name of the label.
intf The name of the interface.
droprate The drop rate in kilobits per second (Kb/s).
markrate The mark rate in kilobits per second (Kb/s).
burst The burst size in kilobytes (KB).
dropaction The drop action.
markaction The mark action.
tosmarking Enable tos marking for marked packets.
tos The type of service used for tos marking.
dscp The diffserv code point (part of tos, used for tos-marking).
precedence The precedence (part of tos, used for tos-marking).
classification The type of classification for marked packets.
class The class or offset used for classification.
name value Description
string This is the name of the IPQoS meter.
label value Description
Management, etc
The label to which the meter applies.