Chapter 5
Packet Classification and Labelling
E-NIT-CTC-20041213-0013 v0.5
5.1 Classification
Introduction The basic objective of the Classification module in the SpeedTouch™ is the following:
Identifying certain data (on IP or layer 3 level) (called classification)
Stating the importance (or priority) of the data, optionally overruling the priority
already indicated by the layer 2 network (setting the internal class)
Terminology Labelling means assigning a user friendly name to classified types of connections for
internal usage.
The outcome of packet classification is a label. This label can be used within the
router to refer to particular classified data.
Classification allows to "label" data based upon a set of packet filter rules.
Rules have an action to assign a label to all packets to which one particular rule
Expressions are user friendly names to represent Services, Interfaces and IP
The internal class is an internal indication (from 0..15) of the importance/
priority of data, this determines how the data will be treated (to which queue
it will be mapped).