Chapter 5
Packet Classification and Labelling
E-NIT-CTC-20041213-0013 v0.5
dscp value Description
ef, af11, af12, af13,
af21, af22, af23, af31,
af32, af33, af41, af42,
af43, cs0, cs1, cs2,
cs3, cs4, cs5, cs6, cs7
One of these values can be used to define an
expression related to the diffserv code point in the IP
number Also a number can be used to define an expression
related to the diffserv code point in the IP packet.
Only one of the three parameters above should be used depending on the
type of IP QoS you are using.(ToS,DSCP or Precedence)
proto value Description
icmp, igmp, ipinip, tcp,
udp, ah, esp, ipcomp
Select one of these values to define an expression
related to a protocol.
number Also a number can be used to define the protocol. This
is the number used in the IP header to define the
protocol used.
srcport value Description
at-echo, at-nbp, at-
rtmp, at-zis, auth,
bgp,biff,ftp, ftp-data,
gopher, h323,
httpproxy, ike, ils,
imap2, imap3, ingres-
net, ipcserver, ipx, irc-o,
irc-u, kerberos, ldap,
login, netbios-dgm,
netbios-ns, netbios-ssn,
netwall, netware-ip, ...
One of these or many other ports can be selected to
define an expression related to a source port.
number Also a number can be used to define the source port.