Setting Linux OS Variables
If you want to set Java for this user only, open and edit .profile file located in the
/home/Username folder.
If you want to set Java for all users, open .profile file in your /etc folder
1. Find the line where you set your PATH
Example: export PATH=$PATH:/home/username/somefolder
2. Before that line you must set your JAVA_HOME and then modify your PATH to include it.
To achieve this, add the following lines:
export PATH=$PATH:$JAVA_HOME/bin
3. Save the file and you are finished.
Setting UNIX OS Variables
Perform the following steps to check the latest JRE Version on Sun Solaris.
1. Launch a terminal window on the Sun Solaris desktop.
2. Type java –version in the command line and press ENTER. The currently-installed version
of Java Runtime Environment (JRE) appears.
• If your path variable is not set to where the java binaries have been installed, you may not
be able to see the JRE version.
• To set your path: Assuming JRE 1.4.2_05 is installed in /usr/local/java: you must
set your PATH variable.
• To set path for bash shell:
export PATH=$PATH:/usr/local/java/j2re1.4.2_05/bin.
• To set path for tcsh or csh:
set PATH = ($PATH /usr/local/java/j2re1.4.2_05/bin).
• These commands can either be typed at the terminal each time you log in, or you can add
them to your .bashrc for bash shell or .cshrc for csh or tcsh so that each time you log in,
the PATH is already set. See your shell documentation if you encounter problems.
Figure 48 Check JRE Version in Sun Solaris
3. If the JRE is version 1.4.2_05 or later, but not version 1.5.0_02 , proceed with the RSC
installation. If the version is older, go to the Sun Web site at: http://java.sun.com/products/
download the latest Runtime Environment.