Local Port Connection to the Dominion SX
The local port of the Dominion SX must be connected to the COM port of a computer system, a
terminal, or some other serial capable device using a null modem cable with DB-9F null on both
If there is an RJ 45 interface, a special cable (CRLVR) is used with an ASCSDB9F connector on
the client machine. The CRLVR may also be used if RJ45-RJ45 connection to local port is
established – that is, if you connect the local port of an SX device as a serial target to another SX.
Port Settings
Ensure that the port settings (serial communication parameters) are configured as follows:
• Bits per second = 9600
• Data bits = 8
• Parity = None
• Stop bits =1
• Flow Control = None
To make a local port connection:
1. Open a HyperTerminal application or equivalent.
2. Ensure the HyperTerminal is configured to communicate with the port that is connected to
the Dominion SX unit.
3. Disable Flow control.
4. Press Enter and the following prompt appears: username:
See the Login section for login information.
To Change the Local Port Parameters:
The local port is enabled by default and is enabled on both serial ports for units with two local
ports at 9600 bps.
To change the local port parameters, for example, to change the baud rate from the default 9600
bps to 115200 bps, enter:
admin > Config > Services > lpa enable true 115200
To disable local port access:
admin > Config > Services > lpa enable false
To log in, enter the user name admin as shown:
login as: admin
The password prompt appears. Enter the default password: raritan