Command Example
The following command displays the current NFS settings:
admin > Config > NFS > nfs
NFS Settings :
Enable : 0
Primary IP :
Pimary Directory: /export/domSX/
Secondary IP :
Secondary Directory: /export/domSXLog/
Use the following command to enable remote NFS logging and configure the NFS Server:
admin > Config > NFS >nfs enable true primaryip
secondaryip primarydir /nfs/domlogging1
secondarydir /nfs/domlogging2 option softmount
Configuring Ports
Ports Configuration Menu
Target serial ports are configured from the CLI using the ports menu. In addition to the
description of the physical nature of the ports, other services may also be defined. Those services
• The escape sequence used to disconnect from the port to access the emulator to send
breaks or control multi user functions. (Example: Ctrl a)
• Set the exit string that is to be sent to the target when an idle timeout occurs. By sending
the exit string, the port is disconnected from the DSX and the next user logging into the
port will have to log into the target as well. (Cisco router example: logout)
• Define the addresses to be used for direct port addressing. Direct port addressing can use
an individual IP address per port or a unique TCP Port address per port. Direct Port
Addressing is supported by both Telnet and SSH
See the Direct Port Addressing section for details of this feature.
Ports Config Command
The syntax of the config command is:
config [port <number|range|*>] [name string] [bps value] [parity
<none|even|odd>] [flowcontrol <none|hw|sw>] [detect <true|false>]
[escapemode <none|control>] [escapechar char] [emulation type]
[exitstring <cmd[#delay;]>] [dpaip ipaddress] [telnet port] [ssh port]
The command options are described in Table 24.
Table 24 Port Configuration Command
port <number|range|*>
Single port or range of ports (1-n or 1,3,4 or * for all ports)
name string
Port Name
bps value
Port speed (bitrate) in bits-per-second:
parity <none|even|odd>
Port parity type