Interface Command
The interface command is used to configure the Dominion SX network interface. When the
command is accepted, the unit will automatically reboot and drop the connection. You must then
reconnect using the new IP address and the username admin and password newp/w entered in
the resetting factory default password section.
The syntax of the interface command is:
interface [enable <true|false>] [if <lan1 | lan2>] [ip ipaddress]
[mask subnetmask] [gw ipaddress] [mode <auto | 100fdx>]
The network command options are described in Table 16.
Table 16 Interface Command
enable <true|false>
Enable/Disable Interface
if <lan1 | lan2>
Select LAN interface you are configuring
ip ipaddress
IP Address of the DSX assigned for access from the IP network
mask subnetmask
Subnet Mask obtained from the IP administrator
gw ipaddress
Gateway IP Address obtained from the IP administrator.
mode <auto | 100fdx>
Set Ethernet Mode to auto detect or force 100Mbps full duplex
Interface Command Example
The following command enables the interface number 1, sets the IP address, mask, and gateway
addresses, and sets the mode to auto detect.
admin > Config > Network > interface enable true if lan1 ip mask 255.255.255 gw mode auto
IPForwarding Command
The ipforwarding command is used to configure the ability to forward between two networks.
The syntax of the ipfowarding is:
ipforwarding <>
The network command options are described in Table 17.
Table 17 Ipforwarding Command
Ipforwarding Command Example
The following command enables the IP Forwarding:
admin > Config > Network > ipforwarding
Name Command
The name command is used to configure the network name.
The syntax of the name is:
name <>
The network command options are described in Table 18.