Scenario #1 Power Strip Status
Pre-condition Administrator user is logged in via CLI.
Power strip device (DPX) named PowerStr1 is physically connected to
Port1 of DSX.
Administrator is in Power menu.
Action 1. Enter Command.
2. Press Enter.
CLI Input Command: powerstrip name PowerStr1
Result Status of PDU should correctly display the following parameters:
• Power Consumption
• Average Power
• Apparent Power
• True RMS Voltage
• True RMS Current
• Maximum Current
• Status of the outlet breaker
• Internal Temperature
Scenario #2 Status of Power Strip that is actually turn off or disconnected
Pre-condition Administrator user is logged in via CLI.
Power strip device (DPX) named PowerStr1 is disconnected from Port1 or
turned off.
Administrator is in Power menu.
Action 1. Enter Command.
2. Press Enter.
CLI Input Command: powerstrip name PowerStr1
Scenario #3 Power Strip Status – Outlet status
Pre-condition Administrator user is logged in via CLI.
Power strip device (DPX) named PowerStr1 is physically connected to
Port1 of DSX.
Action 1. Check the current status of outlets – outlet1 is turn on
2. Turn off outlet1.
3. Go to Power menu and check the status of outlet1.
CLI Input
⋅ powerstrip name PowerStr1
⋅ off powerstrip PowerStr1 outlet 1
⋅ powerstrip name PowerStr1
Scenario #4 Power Strip Status – Outlet status when port association is removed
Pre-condition Administrator user is logged in via CLI.
Power strip device (DPX) named PowerStr1 is physically connected to
Port1 of DSX.
Outlet1 and Outlet2 are associated with Port1.
Outlet1 and Outlet2 are with status “ON”.
Administrator is in Power menu.
Action 1. Check the current status of outlets – outlet1 is turn on
2. Remove Outlet1 and Outlet2 from outlet association to Port1.
3. Go to Power menu and check the status of outlet1.
CLI Input
⋅ powerstrip name PowerStr1
⋅ unassociated port 1 powerstrip PowerStr1 outlet 1,2
⋅ powerstrip name PowerStr1
Scenario #5 Power Stri
Status – Outlet status when
association is removed