
Set auto-authorized on ports
Format 802.1x port-control {enable|disable}
Mode Interface Config
1) admin command
Configure admin key of port
Format lacp admin <0 ..65535>
Mode Interface Config
e.g. switch(interface g1)#lacp admin 36768
2) priority command
Configure lacp port priority
Format lacp priority <0..65535>
Mode Interface Config
add one port to a LAG group
Format addport <LAG-ID>
Mode Interface Config
Remove a port from a LAG group
Format delport <LAG-ID>
Mode Interface Config
An lldp agent can transmit information about the capabilities and current
status of the system associated with its MSAP identifier. The lldp agent can
also receive information about the capabilities and current status of the
system associated with a remote MSAP identifier. However, lldp agents are
not provided any means of soliciting information from other lldp agents via this
1) lldp state set
Only transmit the lldp status
Format lldp state {tx | rx | tx_rx | disable}
Mode Interface Config
2) configure notifications
Enable/disable notification form the agent
Format lldp notification {enable|disable}
Mode Interface Config
3) Configure med notifications
Configure whether or not MED notifications from the agent are enabled.
Enable/disable med notification form the agent
Format lldp med-notification {enable | disable}
Mode Interface Config
e.g. Switch(Interface 1)#lldp med-notification enable
4) Configures which TLVs are enabled for transmission.
4.1) basic set
Format lldp tlvs-tx {enable | disable} option basic {port-desc | sys-name
| sys-desc | sys-capa | sys-capa }
NP2724M User Manual 38