Mode Global Config
3) lldp adv-interval
This command is used to specify advertised interval in seconds
Format lldp adv-interval <5-32768>
Mode Global Config
4) lldp fast-startcnt
This command is used to specify fast-start count
Format lldp fast-startcnt <1-10>
Mode Global Config
5) lldp hold
This command is used to specify hold value
Format lldp hold <2-10>
Mode Global Config
6) lldp notify-interval
This command is used to specify notification interval in seconds
Format lldp notify-interval <5-3600>
Mode Global Config
7) lldp reinit-delay
This command is used to specify re-initialization delay in seconds
Format lldp reinit-delay <1-10>
Mode Global Config
8) lldp tx-delay
Transmit Delay in seconds
Format lldp tx-delay <1-8192>
Mode Global Config
9) lldp mgmt-addrtxport
A range of ports can be set.
Format lldp mgmt-addrtxport ports <port list>
Mode Global Config
e.g. switch(config)# lldp mgmt-addrtxport ports 1
switch(config)# lldp mgmt-addrtxport ports 1-4
This command is used to configure log server
1) log log-server
This command is used to configure log server
1.1) log log-server name <WORD>add
This command is used to specify log server name, enter a name, up to
12 characters, add a log server IP address
Format log log-server name <WORD> add ipaddr word
Mode Global Config
1.2) log log-server name <word> delete
This command is used to delete a log server
Format log log-server name <WORD> delete
Mode Global Config
2) log logging-target
This command is used to configure log notification level
2.1) log logging-target memory
This command is used to specify memory log notify-level
Format log logging-target memory {enable|disable}
Mode Global Config
NP2724M User Manual 23