
This command displays rmon event log.
Format show rmon event log event index <1..65535>
Mode Privileged Mode
22.6) show rmon history
This command displays rmon history.
Format show rmon history index <1..65535>
Mode Privileged Mode
22.7) show rmon statistics
This command displays port rmon statistics.
Format Show rmon statistics
Mode Privileged Mode
23 )show poe
This command is used to display poe mode and settings,display poe port
23.1) show poe port-index
This command is used to specify an switch poe interface
Format show poe port-index <port-ID>
Mode Privileged Mode
23.2)show poe all
This command is used to display all switch poe interface
Format show poe all
Mode Privileged Mode
24)show tacplus
This command is used to display TACACS+ information, includes
authentication type and server parameters.
Format show tacplus
Mode Privileged Mode
This command telnet the other host.
Format telnet <A.B.C.D>
Mode Privileged Mode
2.9.4. Global Config mode commands
This command is used to exit current shell
Format exit
Mode Global Config
This command is used to configure vlan
1) vlan add
This command is used to create a new vlan
1.1) vlan add number
This command enter a vlan ID
Format vlan add number <vlan-ID>
Mode Global Config
NP2724M User Manual 20