
You can manage the switch through a web connection by connecting to the
switch’s IP address using your web browser.
NP2724M default IP address:
Default User Name: admin
Default Password: (blank)
This User Guide provides instructions on how to configure the switch using
the console interface. Read the following sections to start up!
2.7.1. Connecting a PC or Terminal to the RS-232 Port
When you are ready to configure the Management Function of the switch,
make sure you have connected the supplied RS-232 serial cable to the RS-
232 port at the front panel of your switch and your PC.
2.7.2. Terminal Emulation Setup Program
Run a terminal emulation program with the following setting.
Emulation: VT-100 compatible
Baud per second: 38400
Data bits: 8
Parity: None
Stop bits: 1
Flow Control: None
2.7.3. Logging on to the switch
Enter the factory default user name “admin” with no password when logging
on to the switch. The password is set to be empty. If you can enter “?” on the
command line screen, it will display all items so that you can configure by your
2.8. Web-based configuration
The Switch provides a Web-based interface for configuring and managing the
NP2724M User Manual 9