
Mode Global Config
5) vlan lag
This command is used to configure lag to a special vlan
5.1) vlan lag vlan < vlan-id> exclude
This command is used to remove lag from a vlan
Format vlan lag vlan < vlan-ID> exclude lags <lag-ID>
Mode Global Config
5.2) vlan lag vlan <vlan-ID> untagged
This command is used to set to untagged lag.
Format vlan lag vlan <vlan-ID> untagged lags <lag-ID>
Mode Global Config
5.3) vlan lag vlan <vlan-ID> tagged
This command is used to set to tagged lag.
Format vlan lag vlan <vlan-ID> tagged lags <lag-ID>
Mode Global Config
This command is used to configure switch aging time
Format bridge aging-time <0-1048575>
Mode Global Config
This command is used to configure lacp system priority
Format lacp-syspri system-priority <0-65535>
Mode Global Config
This command is used to configure link aggregation
1) link-aggregation addport
This command is used to configure LAG groups
Format Link Aggregation addport lag <LAG-ID>
Mode Global Config
2) link aggregation delport
This command remove ports from LAG
2.1) Link Aggregation delport all
This command remove all ports from a LAG
Format link-aggregation-delport all lag <LAG-ID>
Mode Global Config
2.2) link aggregation delport lag
This command remove specify LAG group
Format link aggregation delport lag <LAG-ID>
Mode Global Config
1) lldp enable
This command is used to enable lldp functions
Format lldp enable
Mode Global Config
2) lldp disable
This command is used to disable lldp functions
Format lldp disable
NP2724M User Manual 22