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APPENDIX E: Reference
ellipsoids and datum tables for
Jupiter and NavCore receivers
Reference Ellipsoids
The following data is taken from DoD World
Geodetic System 1984, DMA TR 8350.2-B, 1
Dec 1987, Second Printing. Includes 1 Sept 1991
No. Name Semi-Major Axis Inverse Flattening
1 Airy 6377563.396000 299.324965
2 Modified Airy 6377340.189000 299.324965
3 Australian National 6378160.000000 298.250000
4 Bessel 1841 6377397.155000 299.152813
5 Clarke 1866 6378206.400000 294.978698
6 Clarke 1880 6378249.145000 293.465000
7 Everest 1830 6377276.345000 300.801700
8 Everest 1948 6377304.063000 300.801700
9 Fischer 1960 6378166.000000 298.300000
10 Modified Fischer 1960 6378155.000000 298.300000
11 Fischer 1968 6378150.000000 298.300000
12 GRS 1980 6378137.000000 298.257222
13 Helmert 1906 6378200.000000 298.300000
14 Hough 6378270.000000 297.000000
15 International 6378388.000000 297.000000
16 Krassovsky 6378245.000000 298.300000
17 South American 1969 6378160.000000 298.250000
18 WGS 60 6378165.000000 298.300000
19 WGS 66 6378145.000000 298.250000
20 WGS72 6378135.000000 298.260000
21 WGS 84 6378137.000000 298.257224
22 Bessel 1841 (Namibia) 6377483.865000 299.152813
23 Everest 1956 6377301.243000 300.801700
24 Everest 1969 6377295.664000 300.801700
25 Everest (Sabah & Sarawak) 6377298.556000 300.801700
26 SGS 85 6378136.000000 298.257000