MN002000A © 2004 Navman NZ Ltd. All rights reserved. Proprietary information and specifications subject to change without notice.
Message ID: RMC
Rate: variable; defaults to 1 Hz
Fields: 11
Field No. Symbol Field description Field type Example
$__RMC Start of sentence and address field $GPRMC
UTC of position (hours, minutes, seconds, decimal
hhmmss.ss 185203
2 PAS_STAT Position status (A = Data valid, V = Data invalid) (Note 1) a A
3 LAT Latitude 1111.11 3339.7332
4 LAT_REF Latitude direction (N = north, S = south) a N
5 LON Longitude yyyyy. yy 11751.7598
6 LON_REF Longitude direction (E = east, W = west) a W
7 SPD Speed over ground (knots) x.x 0.000
8 HDG Heading/track made good (degrees true) x.x 121.7
9 DATE Date (dd/mm/yy) xxxxxx 160496
10 MAG_VAR Magnetic variation (degrees) x.x 13.8
11 MAG_REF Magnetic variation (E = east, W = west) (Note 2)
a E
CKSUM Checksum *hh *55
<CR><LF> Sentence terminator <CR><LF>
Note 1: The position status flag will be set to ‘V’ (data invalid) until the receiver is navigating. At that time, the flag is
changed to ‘A’ (data valid) and the information provided in the RMC message will reflect a navigation solution.
Note 2: Easterly variation (E) subtracts from true course. Westerly variation (W) adds to true course.
Table 3-51. RMC message (recommended minimum specific GPS data) Recommended minimum specific GPS data
This message contains time, date, position,
course, and speed data. The fields in this message
always contain data even when the receiver is not
navigating. This allows user-initialised, stored, or
default values to be displayed before a solution is
obtained. The contents of the ‘RMC’ message are
described in Table 3-51.
Sample message: