MN002000A © 2004 Navman NZ Ltd. All rights reserved. Proprietary information and specifications subject to change without notice.
Field Type Symbol Definition
Special format fields
Single character field:
A = yes, data valid, warning flag clear
V = no, data invalid, warning flag set
Latitude 1111.11
Fixed/variable length field (degrees/minutes.decimal) two fixed digits of degrees, two fixed
digits of minutes, and a variable number of digits for decimal-fraction of minutes
Note: Leading zeros always included for degrees and minutes to maintain fixed length (the
decimal point and associated decimal-fraction are optional if full resolution is not required).
Longitude yyyyy. yy
Fixed/variable length field (degrees/minutes.decimal) three fixed digits of degrees, two fixed
digits of minutes and a variable number of digits for decimal-fraction of minutes.
Note: Leading zeros always included for degrees and minutes to maintain fixed length (the
decimal point and associated decimal-fraction are optional if full resolution is not required).
Time hhmmss.ss
Fixed/variable length field (hours/minutes/seconds.decimal) two fixed digits of hours,
two fixed digits of minutes, two fixed digits of seconds and a variable number of digits for
decimal-fraction of seconds.
Note: Leading zeros always included for hours, minutes, and seconds to maintain fixed
length (the decimal point and associated decimal-fraction are optional if full resolution is not
Some fields are specified to contain pre-defined constants, most often alpha characters.
Such a field is indicated in the NMEA-0183 standard by the presence of one or more valid
characters. The following characters and character strings used to indicate field types are
excluded from the list of allowable characters: ‘A’, ‘a’, ‘c’, ‘hh’, ‘hhmmss.ss’, ‘1111.11’, ‘x’, and
Numeric value fields
Variable length integer or floating point numeric field (optional leading and trailing zeros)
Note: The decimal point and associated decimal-fraction are optional if full resolution is not
required (eg 73.10 = 73.1 = 073.1 = 73).
Fixed HEX
Hh__ Fixed length HEX numbers only, most significant bit on the left.
Information fields
Cn C Variable length valid character field
alpha field
Aa__ Fixed length field of uppercase or lowercase alpha characters
Xx__ Fixed length field of numeric characters
Fixed text
Cc__ Fixed length field of valid characters
Note 1: Spaces may only be used in variable text fields.
Note 2: A negative sign (‘–’ or 2DHEX) is the first character in a field if the value is negative. The sign is omitted if the value is
Note 3: All data fields are delimited by a comma (,).
Note 4: Null fields are indicated by no data between two delimiters.
Table 3-3 NMEA field type summary