MN002000A © 2004 Navman NZ Ltd. All rights reserved. Proprietary information and specifications subject to change without notice.
Message ID: 1007
Rate: Variable
Message Length: 154 words
Word No. Name Type Units Range Resolution
1-4 Message header
5 Header checksum
6-7 Set time (Note 1) UDI 10 ms ticks 0 to 4 294 967 295
8 Sequence number (Note 2) I 0 to 32 767
9 Satellite measurement sequence number (Note 3) I 0 to 32 767
Channel measurement data
10 + 12*j Pseudo-range (Note 4) TI
m ±1.4
13 + 12*j Pseudo-range rate DI m/s ±21 474 836 10
15 + 12*j Carrier phase TI m ±1.4
18 + 12*j Carrier phase bias TI m ±1.4
21 + 12*j Phase bias count UI 0 to 65 535
154 Data checksum
Note 1: Set time is an internal 10 millisecond (T10) count since power-on initialisation enabled the processor interrupts. It is not used
to derive GPS time, but only serves to provide a sequence of events knowledge. The set time or T10 count references the receiver’s
internal time at which the message was created for output. The T10 range is approximately 71 weeks.
Note 2: The sequence number is a count that indicates whether the data in a particular binary message has been updated or
changed since the last message output.
Note 3: The satellite measurement sequence number relates the position solution data to a particular set of satellite measurements
found in binary Messages 1002 and 1007 (channel summary message and channel measurement message, respectively).
Note 4: j = 0 to 11
Table 3-9 Message 1007 (channel measurement) Message 1007 (channel measurement)
This message provides measurement and
associated data for each of the receiver’s
12 channels. The contents of the ‘channel
measurement’ message are described in
Table 3-9.