MN002000A © 2004 Navman NZ Ltd. All rights reserved. Proprietary information and specifications subject to change without notice.
Message ID: INIT
Rate: as required
Fields: 14
Field No. Symbol Field description Field type Example
$PRWIINIT Start of sentence and address field (Note 1) $PRWIINIT
1 RESET Software reset flag (A = reset, V = don’t reset) (Note 2) a V
2 RES_1 Reserved
3 RES_2 Reserved
4 LAT Latitude (Note 2) IIII.II 3339.650
5 LAT_REF Latitude direction (N = north, S = south) (Note 2) a N
6 LON Longitude (Note 2) yyyyy. yy 11751.680
7 LON_REF Longitude direction (E = east, W = west) (Note 2) a W
8 ALT Altitude (m) (Note 2) x.x 64.131
9 SPD Ground speed (Note 2) x.x 0.0
Ground speed units (M = m/sec, N = knots, K = km/hr)
(Note 2)
a M
11 HDG Heading (0.0 to 360.0 degrees north) (Note 2) x.x 0.0
12 HDG_TYP Heading type (T = true, M = magnetic) (Note 2) a T
13 TIME UTC time (h, min, s) (Note 2) hhmmss 162338
14 DATE UTC date (Note 2) ddmmyy 190594
CKSUM Checksum (optional) *hh
<CR><LF> Sentence terminator <CR><LF>
Note 1:
$ = NMEA message prefix.
P = Proprietary message indicator.
RWI = Navman Systems Inc. mnemonic.
INIT = Initialisation message ID.
Note 2: this function is enabled by default. Each of the fields 1 through 14 may be null to indicate that the previous setting for the
data item should be left unchanged. For example, reset may be commanded without specifying the other parameters by issuing
the following command:
When using null fields, the following restrictions apply:
• If a supplied parameter has a corresponding unit specifier or reference indicator, it must also be supplied.
• Both latitude and longitude must be provided to specify a valid horizontal position.
• Both ground speed and heading must be provided to specify a valid horizontal velocity.
• If a magnetic heading is specified, horizontal position (Iat/lon), and UTC time and date must also be provided.
• UTC time and date must be provided together.
Table 3-56 INIT message (Navman proprietary receiver initialisation) Navman proprietary receiver initialisation
message (INIT).
This proprietary message commands the Jupiter
receiver to perform a reset, modify its operating
mode, or reinitialise itself using specified
parameters. The contents of the ‘INIT’ message
are described in Table 3-56.
Sample message: