2-6 Physical Controls
MX3-CE Reference Guide E-EQ-MX3CERG-A-ARC
Serial Port
RS-232 connection is made through an RS-232 Serial Port if installed. The connector is an
industry-standard RS-232. The connector includes a PC/AT standard 9-pin āDā male connector.
Figure 2-3 RS-232 Pinouts
1 DCD Carrier Detect
2 RXD Receive Data - Input
3 TXD Transmit Data - Output
4 DTR Data Terminal Ready
5 GND Signal/Power Ground
6 DSR Data Set Ready
7 RTS Ready To Send
8 CTS Clear To Send
9 RI
+5V DC
Ring Indicator - Input
Figure 2-4 9-Pin RS-232 Description
Serial / USB Port
The USB port requires a DB9 to USB cable (available from LXE).
The serial port/USB port also supports serial data transfer (using a null modem cable) and non-host
USB I/O at 1.5 Mbps. The MX3-CE automatically detects the cable configuration. Please refer to
Chapter 1 "Introduction", section titled "Accessories" for LXE part numbers of the DB9-USB
cable and the null modem cable.
Tethered Scanners
The MX3-CE Scan buttons have no effect on tethered barcode scanners (connected to a serial
port). Tethered scanners read barcode scans only when the trigger on the tethered scanner is
To set the MX3-CE to use a tethered scanner, select Start / Settings / Control Panel / Scanner.
Upon selecting "External Scanner", +5V power is automatically assigned to the port with the
tethered scanner connection. The COM port that accepts the scanner data can be configured for
data rate, parity, stop bits and data bits.