Contacting LXE 1-29
E-EQ-MX3CERG-A-ARC MX3-CE Reference Guide
Contacting LXE
All LXE manuals are now available on one CD and they can also be viewed/downloaded
from the LXE website. Contact your LXE representative to obtain the LXE Manuals CD (Product
No. 9000A426LXEMANUALS).
You can also get help from LXE by calling the telephone numbers listed on the LXE Manuals CD,
in the file titled "Contacting LXE". This information is also available on the LXE website
Explanations of terms and acronyms used in this manual are located in the file titled "Glossary" on
the LXE Manuals CD.
Manuals and Accessories
LXtrEme MX3-CE Installation and Operator’s Guide
LXtrEme MX3 Cradle Reference Guide
Tethered Scanners
Scanner, LS3203, Ext. Range, 8’ Cbl, US. 8011LS3203ERC08DUS
Scanner, LS3203, Ext. Range, 8’ Cbl, EC. 8011LS3203ERC08DEC
Scanner, LS3203, Ext. Range, 20’ Cbl, US 8011LS3203ERC08DUS
Scanner, 530092IP, 7’ Cbl, WW. 8110IP530092C07DWW
Scanner, 530092IP, 15’ Cbl, US. 8110IP530092C15DUS
Scanner, P302FZY, 8’ Cbl, WW 8200A326SCNRP3028DA9F
Scanner, P302FZY, 20’ Cbl, US 8200A327SCNRP30220DA9F
Scanner, P304PRO, 8’ Cbl, WW 8210A326SCNRP3048DA9F
Scanner, P304PRO, 8’ Cbl, US 8210A327SCNRP30420DA9F
Scanner, Powerscan SR, 8’ Cbl, WW 8300A326SCNRPWRSR8DA9F
Scanner, Powerscan SR, 12’ Cbl, US 8300A327SCNRPWRSR12DA9F
Scanner, Powerscan LR, 8’ Cbl, WW 8310A326SCNRPWRLR8DA9F
Scanner, Powerscan LR, 12’ Cbl, US 8310A327SCNRPWRLR12DA9F
Scanner, Powerscan XLR, 8’ Cbl, WW 8320A326SCNRPWRXLR8DA9F
Scanner, Powerscan XLR, 12’ Cbl, US 8320A327SCNRPWRXLR12DA9F
Standard Compact Flash Card, 1Gig HD 9000A254HDDCF1GB
PCMCIA Compact Flash Adapter 9000A106PCCCFADPTR
Holding Accessories
Strap, Hand, Nylon 2381A407HANDSTRAP
Nylon Holster for use with Belt 2381A401HOLSTER
Nylon Hip Flip 2381A403HIPFLIP
Nylon Case with Shoulder Strap 2381A402CASE1
Stand, Scanner For 5300IP Series, Tethered 8100A001STAND
Bracket, Mounting LS300 8010A001BRKT
Holster, Hood, Nylon, 5300IP Series, Tethered 8100A401HLSTRHOOD