Scanner Parameters 6-41
E-EQ-MX3CERG-A-ARC MX3-CE Reference Guide
Length Within Range
This option decodes a code type within a specified minimum and maximum range. For example,
when you want to scan only D 2 of 5 symbols containing between 4 and 12 characters, scan the “D
2 of 5 Length Within Range” barcode and then “0”, “4”, “1” and “2” barcodes using the “Keypad
Number Symbols” at the end of this chapter.
To begin setting lengths within a range, scan this barcode:
D 2 of 5 - Length within Range
Next, scan numeric barcodes that correspond to the desired value. Single digit numbers must have
a leading zero. If you wish to change your number selection, scan Cancel on the “Keypad Number
Symbols” page.
Any Length
This option decodes D 2 of 5 barcodes containing any number of characters.
Note: Selecting this option may lead to misdecodes for D 2 of 5 codes.
To set any length, scan this barcode:
D 2 of 5 - Any Length