Serial Ports API C-7
E-EQ-MX3CERG-A-ARC MX3-CE Reference Guide
Serial Ports API
For the most part, all of the standard Win32 API calls for serial ports will work on the MX3-CE
serial ports. If the scanner wedge is running, it will lock the ports it is configured to monitor, and
will prevent those from being opened, since Windows CE lacks the ability to share serial ports.
Endcap Right Serial Port
This port is addressable as COM1, and supports all baud rates up to 115200. All control lines that
are present on a DB-9 connector are functional. To apply +5 volt power via Ring Indicator, see
Power Management APIs.
Endcap Left Serial Port (Dual Serial Port Endcaps Only)
This port is addressable as COM3, and supports all baud rates up to 115200. All control lines that
are present on a DB-9 connector are functional. To apply +5 volt power via Ring Indicator, see
Power Management APIs.
This port can be used as a standard serial port when addressed as COM2, and supports all baud
rates up to 115200. Because it is an infrared port, no control lines are implemented. The Win32
standard SETIR test for infrared ports works:
if (EscapeCommFunction(port, SETIR))
printf(“This is an Infrared port\n”);
printf(“This is an RS-232 port\n”);
This port can be used as an IRDA port when addressed as COM5, and supports all baud rates up to
115200. It also has full support through WinSock for doing a TCP/IP sockets connection over I/R.
Note that ActiveSync usage supports only true IRDA connections.
USB Port (USB Endcaps Only)
This port is addressable as COM4; because it is a USB port, baud rate support is irrelevant. There
is no implemented client support for HID or HCD devices. It is intended to be used only for