Proxim Parameters 5-3
E-EQ-MX3CERG-A-ARC MX3-CE Reference Guide
Enable Encryption
Configures whether this station will receive/send encrypted data traffic. When "On" is chosen, the
unit will be able to receive both non-encrypted data and messages encrypted with one WEP
encryption key values.
If encryption is enabled (On) while the card does not support WEP, an error is reported.
Valid: On, Off
Default: Off
Encryption Key
If you enable WEP encryption, you can create up to four keys for wireless data transmissions.
Set encryption key using either hex or ascii radio buttons and select transmit key from the list of
keys created.
Proxim Parameters
The following are the parameters that can be accessed and modified using the Task Bar Proxim
icon for computers with Proxim 2.4GHz radios. The first screen displays the Master the computer
is synchronized with, the network domain id and the node address.
Network Domain
Sets the network domain. It can be any number from 0 through 15 and must match the domain of
the server or access point to which you want to connect.
Valid: 0 through 15
Default: 0
Set Security ID
Set the security id of the computer. It must be the same security id as other Proxim cards with the
same security id. The default value is null.
Site Survey Tools
Master Search
This tool locates all Master stations within range of the computer. Upon clicking the Masters
button, a listing of all masters found is displayed. Using the options on the list screen, link quality
testing can be performed. Select a master and click the Directed Link button. Select Done to exit
Master Search tool.