Bluetooth Device Settings Panel
Note: These options can still be checked or unchecked whether Bluetooth connection is enabled or disabled.
Option Default Information
Report when connection
There may be an audio or visual signal when a connection between a paired, active
device is lost.
A visual signal may be a dialog box placed on the display notifying the user the
connection between one (or all) of the paired Bluetooth devices has stopped.
This option is enabled by default. Tap ok button to remove the dialog box from the
Report when reconnected Disabled
There may be an audio or visual signal when a connection between a paired, active
device is re-connected.
A visual signal may be a dialog box placed on the display notifying the user a
connection between one (or all) of the previously paired Bluetooth devices is
complete. This option is disabled by default.
Tap the ok button to remove the dialog box from the screen.
Report failure to reconnect Enabled
The default time delay is 30 minutes. This value cannot be changed by the user.
There may be an audio or visual signal when a connection between a paired, active
device fails to re-connect. A visual signal may be a dialog box placed on the display
notifying the user the connection between one (or all) of the previously paired
Bluetooth devices has failed. This option is enabled by default.
Tap the X button or ok button to close the dialog box.
Possible reasons for failure to reconnect: Timeout expired without reconnecting;
attempted to pair with a device that is currently paired with another device;
attempted to pair with a known device that moved out of range or was turned off;
attempted to pair with a known device but the reason why reconnect failed is
Computer is connectable Enabled
Disable this option to inhibit MX3X connection with all Bluetooth devices. This
option is enabled by default.
E-EQ-MX3XRG-W-ARC [ 79 ] MX3X Reference Guide