Global Tab
Global Tab
Note: The Global tab was previously labeled Global Settings.
The parameters on the global settings tab can be changed when an Admin is logged on (see Admin Login). Without the admin
login, the current values for the parameters can be viewed, but they cannot be edited.
SCU – Global Tab
Global Parameters
Remember to click the Commit button after making changes to ensure the changes are saved. Many versions of the SCU
display a reminder if the Commit button is not clicked before an attempt it made to close or browse away from the Global tab if
there are unsaved changes.
If changes are made to the stored credentials, click Commit to save those changes before making any additional changes to
the Global parameters.
Note: Custom parameter options: Some parameters contain an option for custom. The parameter’s value is displayed as
“Custom” when the operating system registry has been used to set the parameter to a value not available from the Global
settings parameter options. Selecting Custom for a parameter has no effect as the parameter value returns to the
previously selected value when you press Commit.
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