Good Scan and Bad Scan Sounds
The volume setting is stored in the registry and is recalled at power on.
Note: Rejected barcodes generate a bad scan beep. In some cases, the receipt of data from the scanner triggers a good
scan beep from a tethered scanner, and then the rejection of scanned barcode data by the barcode processing causes a
bad scan beep from the mobile device on the same data.
Good Scan and Bad Scan Sounds
Good scan and bad scan sounds are stored in the Windows directory, as SCANGOOD.WAV and SCANBAD.WAV. These are
unprotected WAV files and can be replaced by a WAV file of the user’s choice.
By default a good scan sound on the MX3X is a single beep, and a bad scan sound is a double beep.
WiFi Control Panel
Start | Settings | Control Panel | WiFi or click the Summit Client Utility icon
Use this option to set parameters and manage profiles for the wireless client pre-loaded on your MX3X. See the Summit Client
Utility for more information.
E-EQ-MX3XRG-W-ARC [ 150 ] MX3X Reference Guide