Saving Changes to the Registry
Saving Changes to the Registry
The MX3X saves the registry when you:
l Tap Start | Run then type Warmboot. Tap OK.
l Perform a Suspend / Resume function (by pressing the Pwr key and then pressing it again).
l Install Restart in the Start menu by Start | Run then type CTL RESTART=1 and tap the OK button. Tap Start | Restart.
The registry save process takes 0 – 3 seconds. If nothing has been changed, nothing is saved (e.g. 0 seconds)
The registry is automatically saved every 20 minutes. It is also saved every tenth time the registry settings are changed.
Registry settings are changed when control panel applet (e.g. Date/Time) parameters are changed by the user and a warm boot
was not performed afterward.
When you tap Start | Run then type Coldboot and tap the OK button, factory default registry settings are loaded during
coldboot. All customized changes and settings are lost.
Software Load
The software loaded on the mobile computer consists of Windows CE 5.0 OS, hardware-specific OEM Adaptation Layer,
device drivers, Internet Explorer 6.0 for Windows CE browser and utilities. The software supported is summarized below:
Operating System
l Full Operating System License: Includes all operating system components, including Windows CE 5.0 kernel, file sys-
tem, communications, connectivity (for remote APIs), device drivers, events and messaging, graphics, keyboard and
touchscreen input, window management, and common controls.
Network and Device Drivers
Bluetooth (Optional)
Note: Please contact your LXE representative for software updates and CAB files as they are released by LXE.
Software Applications
The following applications are included:
l WordPad(was PocketWord in previous versions of Windows CE)
l Scanner Wedge (LXE developed)
l ActiveSync
l Transcriber
l Internet Explorer
l Word Viewer
l Excel Viewer
l PDF Viewer
l Image Viewer
Note that the viewer applications allow viewing documents, but not editing them.
Bluetooth (Optional)
Only installed on a Bluetooth equipped MX3X. The System Administrator can Discover and Pair targeted Bluetooth devices for
each MX3X. The System Administrator can enable / disable Bluetooth settings and assign a Computer Friendly name for each
E-EQ-MX3XRG-W-ARC [ 28 ] MX3X Reference Guide