Use and operation of the Personal Computer Memory Card International Association (PCMCIA) device (e.g. PC card) is
dependent upon both the type of device installed and the application(s) running on the computer. Make sure the proper software
is pre-loaded and PC cards are properly configured.
Slot 0 – Network or SRAM Cards
When removing or installing the network card, protect the internal components and the network card from electrostatic
The MX3X has one internal PCMCIA slot that conforms electrically to PCMCIA 2.1 specifications. The PC Slot supplies 0.75
of an amp at 5Volts or 3.3Volts. Battery voltage is supplied through unused pin 35 to support a WAN client device in the slot.
The PC slot is accessible by the use of a Phillips screwdriver to first loosen the endcap. It accepts Type I or II cards only. Slot
0 accepts PCMCIA 802.11 network cards or SRAM/Flash memory cards.
Slot 1 – Compact Flash Card
The MX3X has one internal Compact Flash card port that supports Type I and II CF+ cards. The slot is accessible when the
endcap has been loosened.
Bluetooth LXEZ Pairing
The MX3X contains Bluetooth version 2.0 with Enhanced Data Rate (EDR) up to 3.0 Mbit/s over the air. Bluetooth device
connection (or pairing) can occur at distances up to 32.8 ft (10 meters) Line of Sight. The wireless client retains wireless
connectivity while Bluetooth is active.
The user will not be able to select PIN authentication or encryption on connections to from the MX3X. However, the MX3X
supports authentication requests from pairing devices. If a pairing device requests authentication or encryption, the MX3X
displays a prompt for the PIN or passcode. Maximum encryption is 128 bit. Encryption is based on the length of the user’s
Bluetooth will simultaneously support one printer as a slave Bluetooth device and one scanner, either as a slave or as a master
Bluetooth device.
l The MX3X does not have a Bluetooth managed LED.
l The LED on the Bluetooth scanner illuminates during a scanning operation; the Scan LED on the MX3X does not illu-
l Barcode data captured by the Bluetooth scanner is manipulated by the settings in the MX3XScanner Properties control
panel applet.
l Multiple beeps may be heard during a barcode scan using a mobile Bluetooth scanner; beeps from the mobile Bluetooth
scanner as the barcode data is accepted/rejected, and other beeps from the MX3X during final barcode data manip-
E-EQ-MX3XRG-W-ARC [ 7 ] MX3X Reference Guide