40 Power Modes
MX3-RFID Reference Guide E-EQ-MX3RFIDRG-A
System Idle Mode
Note: When the display is Off, the unit is still On. The unit functions normally – tethered
scanner trigger press or integrated scanner Scan key press will cause scans.
Communications through the radio or serial ports continue.
System Idle timers are set using Start | Settings | Control Panel | Power | Schemes tab.
The display is turned off when the System Idle timer expires before a wakeup event takes place.
The Power button is tapped which immediately wakes the unit up.
The Status LED blinks green when the Display enters Off mode.
Any of the following primary events will wake the display and display backlight:
Any key on the keypad
Stylus touch on the touchscreen
Power button tap
When the display wakes up, the System Idle Timer begins the countdown again. When any of the
above events occur prior to the timer expiring, the timer begins the countdown again.
The first display wakeup key press or touch is sent to the operating system or running application.
Once the display is On, the keyboard and touchscreen function normally.
Suspend Mode
The Suspend mode is entered when the device is either inactive for a predetermined period of
time, the user taps the Power button or the user selects Start | Suspend.
Suspend timers are set using Start | Settings | Control Panel | Power | Schemes tab.
Any of the following can be configured to wake the unit and reset both the display and display
backlight timers:
Any key on the keypad PC card activity
Power button tap Stylus touch on the touchscreen
COM1 CTS External power connection
COM3 CTS USB client connection
When the device wakes up, the User Idle, System Idle and the Suspend timers begin the
countdown again. When any one of the above events occurs prior to the Suspend timer expiring,
the timer starts the countdown again.
The first wakeup key press or touch is not sent to the operating system or running application – the
first keypress or touch is only used to wake up the unit and reset the timers. Once the unit has
transitioned from the Suspend mode to the On mode, the unit, keyboard and touchscreen function