ActiveSync 25
E-EQ-MX3RFIDRG-A MX3-RFID Reference Guide
Initial Setup
The following instructions relate to the initial setup of ActiveSync. When there is a Connect icon
on the desktop, this section can be bypassed.
The partnerships can only be created using direct serial or USB cable connection. After the
partnerships are established, ActiveSync communication can be initiated using serial, USB, IrDa
and radio. See section titled “Connect and Communicate” for cable/port compatibility.
USB Connection
Select Start | Settings | Control Panel | PC Connection. Tap the Change button. From the popup
list, choose
USB “Client”
This will set up the mobile device to use the USB port. Tap OK and ensure the check box for
“Allow connection with desktop computer when device is attached” is checked.
Tap OK to return to the Control Panel.
CONNECTED VIA USB. The device will be unable to connect to the host PC when it resumes
The MX3-RFID requires USB connection for ActiveSync. There is no ActiveSync connection
through the MX3-RFID passive cradle.
Serial Connection
Select Start | Settings | Control Panel | PC Connection. Tap the Change button. From the popup
list, choose
Serial 1 @ 57600
Note: The default is 57600 baud.
This will set up the mobile device to use COM 1. If the device has a dual-serial port endcap, the
Serial 3 @ 57600 can also be selected. Tap OK and ensure the check box for “Allow connection
with desktop computer when device is attached” is checked.
Tap OK to return to the Control Panel.
Select Scanner and ensure the integrated scanner is set to a port that is NOT the same as the
ActiveSync port.
Note: You must establish a partnership with a desktop computer prior to running ActiveSync on
the mobile device. The initial partnership must be done using direct serial / USB cable
Once the relationship is established using the serial port, the ActiveSync link in the Start Menu
gives a choice of connections, one of which is radio.
Select Start | Settings | Programs | Communication | ActiveSync. From the popup list, choose
Network and then tap the Connect button.