API Calls 123
E-EQ-MX3RFIDRG-A MX3-RFID Reference Guide
System Commands
NO_CHG No Commands, RFIDchange (the system mode is not changed). Used
to retrieve firmware version.
Class 0 Commands
KILL Kill Class 0 tag (not supported)
SET Set read parameters (RF power level and Modulation depth)
READ Read Class 0 tag IDs using parameters set by TAG_0_SET
Class 1 Commands
KILL Kill Class 1 tag (not supported)
SET Set read parameters (RF power level and Modulation depth)
READ Read Class 1 tag IDs using parameters set by TAG_1_SET
READ_ALL Read Class 1 tag IDs using parameters set by TAG_1_SET. (Unlike
READ, this command does not filter out tags that do not conform to
EPC tag data standards.)
PROGRAM_ID All Class 1 tags receiving this command will program the specified tag
ID in memory
VERIFY_ID All tags receiving this command will reply with their CRC, followed by
their entire ID code, followed by their Password. A tag that has
successfully executed the LOCK_ID command ignores the
VERIFY_ID command.
LOCK_ID This command prevents any further modification of the tag ID, CRC,
and Password.
ERASE_ID This command sets all bits of the tag ID, CRC, and Password to ‘0’. A
tag that has successfully executed the LOCK_ID command ignores the
ERASE_ID command
WRITE Performs/combines Program_ID and Lock_ID
Gen 2 Commands
Kill Kill Class 1 tag.
SET Set read parameters (RF power level and Modulation depth).
READ Read Class 1 tag IDS using parameters et by TAG_1_SET.
PROGRAM_ID All Class 1 tags receiving this command will program the specified tag
ID in memory.
LOCK_ID This command prevents any further modification of the tag ID, CRC,
and Password.