E-EQ-MX3RFIDRG-A MX3-RFID Reference Guide
Figure 1-1 MX3-RFID Device
Radio frequency identification, or RFID, is a generic term for technologies that use radio waves to
automatically identify individual items. The individual items identified/read by a RFID reader
contain a tag (also known as an electronic label or transponder). Unlike barcodes that must be read
by a beam passing over the barcode, RFID tags do not have to be in the line-of-sight of the reader
before the reader can collect the data from the tag but they do need to be within the established
“read” distance from the RFID module.
When the RFID Read button is pressed, the tag reader turns on and the MX3-RFID beeps once if
the tag (or tags) was located and read successfully. The reader turns off at a predetermined time
limit after a good read or a failed read. The data gathered from the tag is sent to a user-specified
storage area (i.e. open text file) for further handling e.g. sent to the host using wired or wireless
networking. See the section titled “How To” for instruction.
There may be a buzz sound during the time the reader is “searching and reading” if the RFID
reader is configured to buzz during a read cycle.
Note: The RFID Module also has a hand strap. Location and attach points are different from
the standard MX3X hand strap. MX3-RFID devices are shipped with the hand strap
already installed.
Note: Always store unused devices with a fully charged main battery installed. LXE
recommends an in-use mobile device be frequently connected to an external power
source to retain optimum power levels in the main battery and the backup battery. After
the backup battery and main battery are depleted (dead), then when a fully charged main
battery is installed, and the device powered On again, the mobile device reverts to the
last saved default (or factory) values. Follow the steps in “Getting Started”.