136 Summit Client Configuration
MX3-RFID Reference Guide E-EQ-MX3RFIDRG-A
Diags Tab
The Diags panel can be used for troubleshooting network traffic and radio connectivity issues for
the IP address shown above the Release/Renew button. The Diags panel can also be used to update
the radio driver on the MX3-RFID.
Administrator login is required for the (Re)connect button function.
Note: Diagnostics, Update Driver and Site Survey functions are not available in this release.
Figure 4-6 SCU – Diags Tab
Button Function
(Re)connect Tap this button to apply, or reapply, the current config profile and attempt to
associate or authenticate to the wireless LAN. Activity is logged in the
Diagnostic Output text box on the lower part of the panel. Administrator
login required for this function.
Release/Renew Release the current IP address to obtain a new IP address. This option renews
the IP address when applicable. Activity is logged in the Diagnostic Output
text box. If a fixed IP address has been assigned to the radio, this is also noted
in the Diagnostic Output box. The current IP address is displayed above the
Release/Renew button.
Start Ping Tap the text box and type an IP address to Ping. Tap the Start Ping button to
start pinging the IP address. The button name changes to Stop Ping. Tap Stop
Ping to end the pinging process. The pinging process ends when any other
button on this panel is tapped or a different menu tab is selected. Ping results
are displayed in the Diagnostic Output text box.
Diagnostics Tapping this button begins an attempt to (re)connect to the wireless LAN.
This option provides more data in the Diagnostics Output text box than the
(Re)connect option. The data dump includes radio state, profile settings,
global settings, and a list of access points by SSID broadcasting in the radio’s
immediate area. Not available in this release.
Update Driver Tap this button to begin the process to update the radio driver via a dialog
box and a power cycle. The radio driver file needs to be accessible to the
user. Not available in this release.
Site Survey Not available in this release.