Issue 7 May 1998 IN-9
event report, call originated, C-7
Event Report, login, 3-47
Event Report, logout, 3-48
event report, reorder/denial, 3-51
Event Report, trunk seized, 3-53
Event Reporting
as a common capability, 3-1
call-related, 3-2
capability, 3-1
definition, 3-1
invoking from capability groups, 3-2
non-call-related, 3-3
event reports
Alerting, 3-9
and attendant group 0, 3-4
and split announcements, 3-4
and vector announcements, 3-4
Answered, 3-13
Busy/Unavailable, 3-15
Call Conferenced, 3-17
Call Ended, 3-19
Call Initiated, 3-20
Call Offered to Domain, 3-21
Call Redirected, 3-27
Call Transferred, 3-29
Charging, 3-31
Cut-Through, 3-40
Disconnect/Drop, 3-42
EAS interaction, 12-39
Entered Digits, 3-45
Hold, 3-46
Queued, 3-49
Reconnected, 3-50
using in associations, 3-54
Expansion Interface circuit pack, 14-2
expansion of agent capabilities, C-5
Expansion Port Network, 14-2
Expansion Port Network, feature interactions, 12-36
Expert Agent Selection
agent, administering, 14-7
interactions, A-38
Expert Agent Selection, feature interactions, 12-36
Expert Agent Selection, see EAS
extension list parameter, 4-39, 4-57, 4-61, 5-35
Extension Type Query, 9-3
announcement, 5-3
attendant console, 5-3
data, 5-3
off-PBX DCS/UDP, 5-3
External Call to Lookahead Interflow VDN scenario, A-31
External Call to VDN scenario, A-49
Facility Restriction Levels, feature interactions, 12-43
Facility Test circuit pack, 14-1
Third Party Single-Step Conference, 5-34, 12-52
feature access code, to logout, 3-48
feature button, to logout, 3-48
feature interactions
ACD, 12-10
Administration Without Hardware, 12-1
analog sets, 12-2
announcements, 12-4
Answer Supervision, 12-4
Attendant Auto-Manual Splitting, 12-7
Attendant Call Waiting, 12-8
Attendant Control of Trunk Group Access, 12-9
attendant group, 12-6
AUDIX, 12-9
Authorization Codes, 12-10
Auto-Available Split, 12-13
Automatic Callback on Busy/No Answer, 12-13
BRI, 12-44
Bridged Call Appearance, 12-14
Busy Verification of Terminals, 12-15
Call Coverage, 12-15
Call Detail Recording, 12-17
Call Forwarding All Calls, 12-19
Call Park, 12-20
Call Pickup, 12-20
Call Vectoring, 12-22
Call Waiting, 12-26
Class of Restriction, 12-26
Class of Service, 12-27
Conference, 12-27
Consult, 12-29
Data Calls, 12-29
DCS, 12-29
Direct-Agent Calling, 12-30
Do Not Disturb, 12-35
Drop button, 12-35
Duplication, 12-35
Expansion Port Network, 12-36
Expert Agent Selection, 12-36
Facility Restriction Levels, 12-43
Forced Entry of Account Codes, 12-43
Hold, 12-43
Hot Line, 12-43
Last Number Dialed, 12-47
Leave Word Calling, 12-48
Lookahead Interflow, 12-48
Malicious Trace, 12-48
Multiple Split Queuing, 12-49
Music on Hold, 12-49
Personal Central Office Line, 12-49
Primary Rate Interface, 12-44
Priority Calling, 12-50
Priority Queuing, 12-31
Privacy-Manual Exclusion, 12-50
Ringback Queuing, 12-50
Send All Calls, 12-50