Issue 7 May 1998 GL-3
Adjunct Processor (or Application Processor)
An adjunct entity that requests and receives ASAI services or capabilities. One or more
applications can reside on a single adjunct. However, the ECS cannot distinguish among several
applications residing on the same adjunct and treats the adjunct and all resident applications as a
single application. The terms “application” and “adjunct” are used interchangeably.
See also
Application Processor
Adjunct Processor, ASAI Host/Adjunct Processor.
Adjunct Switch Application Interface (ASAI)
1. The Lucent Technologies recommendation for Computer Telephony Integration (CTI) based on
the CCITT Q.932 protocol.
2. An option on the DEFINITY ECS that enables the ASAI messaging interface. Also called
CallVisor ASAI.
Adjunct Services Application Interface (ASAI)
1. A messaging interface between the ECS and an Adjunct Processor that allows the AP to
perform call monitoring and control functions.
ASAI Application
An application running on an ASAI adjunct by making calls to a library written to meet the ASAI
See also
ASAI Host/Adjunct Processor
A computer processor that communicates with the ECS via an ASAI link.
See also
ASAI link
An ISDN BRI or Ethernet interface configured to support ASAI.
A communication channel between the adjunct and ECS for messaging purposes. An active
association is an existing call on the ECS or an extension on the call.
Or, a single instance of an ASAI capability group (for example, Third Party Call Control,
Notification, Third Party Domain Control, Routing) between an ASAI adjunct and the ECS.
Also, a virtual relationship established between the ECS and the AP used to relate messages and
events to a particular call or to an ASAI capability. An association is represented by a unique Call
Reference Value (CRV)/link combination.
Auto-available Split
A specific type of ACD split/hunt group that automatically logs in its members and places them in
auto-in mode as soon as the ECS is initialized or when a member is added to the auto-available
split. Normally used when dedicated equipment answers the call directed to the split. Also, allows
the movement of agents to other splits without the agent being logged out.
Automatic-answer (auto-answer)
A feature that allows an agent to receive ACD calls while off-hook.