About This Document
xxxviii Issue 7 March 1998
Intended Audience
This document is written for the application designer responsible for
building/programming custom applications and features. This document is also
helpful to any individual who needs a functional description of ASAI.
ASAI provides the users with the capability to drive a variety of the ECS features.
It is essential, therefore, that the readers of this document should have extensive
knowledge of the ECS features and their interactions.
See the ‘‘Related Documents’’ section for a list of manuals that provide the
ECS features and ASAI protocol information.
Conventions Used in This Document
An explanation of the conventions used in this document follows.
Chapters 3 through 11 detail the function of each feature or capability of the ASAI.
A capability is a request for or an indication of an operation. For example,
dropping a party from a call is a capability of ASAI. Related capabilities are
grouped into functional sets called capability groups.
Each capability within the group is divided into the following subsections:
■ Capability Name
Provides a short overview of the capability and its functions.
■ Information Flow
This heading provides information about the flow of data from the adjunct
to the ECS or vice versa. For example, the ECS may generate reports for
the adjunct (application processor), but the adjunct does not need to
respond to these reports. This situation is different when dealing with many
of the call control capabilities that require a give and take of data between
the ECS and the adjunct.
■ <Capability Name> Parameter(s)
This heading documents the type of information (such as the caller_id) that
passes between the ECS and the adjunct (usually in the form of a request
to the ECS). The actual name is based on the capability being discussed;
for example, Call Control Parameters.
■ ACK (positive acknowledgement) Parameter(s)
There are many instances when the ECS simply acknowledges the request
made by the adjunct and subsequently performs the operation. There are
other times when the ECS replies with specific information (such as the
identity of the party making the call) to the adjunct within the