ASAI and Domain Control
5-14 Issue 7 May 1998
■ Invalid call type (CS3/43)
The call cannot be held due to the type of call (for example, emergency,
wakeup, or service observed).
Protocol Error (NAK) Cause
The ECS issues the following cause for a protocol processing error:
■ Protocol error (CS0/111)
The Q.932 protocol has been violated or the capability invoked is not
consistent with this association. For example, invoking a Third Party
Domain Control Request over a Call Control association is inconsistent.
For more information regarding protocol errors and a complete list of
reason codes (cause values), see the
DEFINITY Enterprise
Communications Server CallVisor ASAI Protocol Reference
The adjunct must know the call_id before placing the extension on hold.
If the call is already on hold at the controlled station, when the ECS receives the
request, a positive acknowledgement (ACK) is returned. See ‘‘Third Party
Reconnect’’ in Chapter 4 for additional “Considerations.”