ASAI and Feature Interactions
Issue 7 May 1998
picks up the principal’s call, the principal’s set (if multifunctional), may or may not
maintain a simulated bridge appearance, depending on the administration of this
Also starting with R5, the system can be administered so that any user can pick
up a call at any principal while the call is alerting through the Directed Call Pickup
feature access code. A user will be allowed to pick up a call only if it has the
appropriate COR. Likewise, a principal will allow its calls to be picked up only if
has been given the appropriate COR.
When a call has been queued first and then picked up by a pickup user, it is
possible for an adjunct to see a connected event without having seen any prior
alerting events.
The ECS does not allow call pickup to be used to pick up a switch-classified call
that terminates on an internal station extension.