Leica CM3600 – Cryomacrotome
1.4 Designated use
The Leica CM3600 is an SPS-controlled and motorized precision
cryomacrotome for large-surface sections, equipped with a convection-
cooled cryochamber for deep-freezing, sectioning, storing and freeze-
drying large biological and industrial specimens.
The instrument is designed for the above described applications only and
must be operated according to the instructions in the present instruction
Any other use of the instrument is considered improper.
If you wish to use the instrument for special applications or modes of
operation not listed in this manual, it is absolutely necessary that you
contact your local Leica representation prior to doing so.
Otherwise, you will loose the Leica warranty on your instrument.
Only trained personnel, skilled in the use of the above-mentioned applica-
tions, may operate the Leica CM3600.
Prior to operating the instrument, the operator must thoroughly read and
understand this instruction manual.
1. Important notes