Instruction manual V 6.0 - 08/2006
The following information can be represented as variables:
@a Main study - name
@b Main study - comment line 1
@c Main study - comment line 2
@d Current date (date)
@e Main study - comment line 3
@f Main study - comment line 4
@g Main study - comment line 5
@h Main study - comment line 6
@i Main study - comment line 7
@j Substudy - name
@k Substudy - comment line 1
@l Substudy - comment line 2
@mSubstudy -comment line 3
@n Substudy - comment line 4
@o Substudy - comment line 5
@p Substudy - comment line 6
@q Substudy - comment line 7
@t Current time (time)
@0 Measured value - no. of section
@1 Measured value - date of section
@2 Measured value - time of section
@3 Measured value - set chamber temperature
@4 Measured value - actual chamber temperature
@5 Measured value - alarm temperature (yes/no)
@6 Measured value - set section thickness
@7 Measured value - actual section thickness
@8 Measured value - knife holder position
@9 Measured value - dehydration (on/off)
Repeating the variable wild card defines the length of the variable. The
variable wild card @333 will display 4 characters for ‘set chamber tem-
perature’, as ‘@’ already represents one character. Text variables are
always printed left-justified, numbers right-justified.
6. Software