Leica CM3600 – Cryomacrotome
Clicking on the icon opens the „Label printing“ window. When
activated, the icon will light up in green.
Clicking on the icon activates the „Foot switch“. When acti-
vated, the icon will light up in green and the current sectioning
data will be saved.
The ‘Stop’ icon appears immediately when the emergency stop
switch is pressed - it will be blinking in red color. The instru-
ment will be inoperational until the operator acknowledges the
corresponding error message in the „Alarm list“ window. For
further information, refer to chapter 6.8.
Clicking on the „Log off“ icon logs off the user currently logged
on. Clicking again reopens the registration mask for Log-in.
Clicking on „Quit“ closes the application.
Clicking on the icon opens a window providing information on
software version number, date, copyright and serial number of
the application.
6.2.3 Work space
In the work space area all control entries and settings are made. Display
format may vary depending on the icon selected in the tool bar.
6.2.4 Information bar
The information bar displays the following information:
• the currently registered user,
• instrument name and software version number,
• number of sections carried out so far,
• name of laboratory.
6. Software