Leica CM3600 – Cryomacrotome
To establish a connection proceed as follows:
1. Doubleclicking on Icon „CM3600“ establishes the connection. The
„pcAnywhere window waiting“ window will open up. Click on CANCEL
to stop the connection from being established.
After the connection has been successfully established, the window
„Remote Connection Attempted“ opens up.
3. Click on YES to enable access to the PC of the Leica CM3600. Click on
NO to deny access.
Access to the PC of the Leica CM3600 must be confirmed with
‘YES’ within the defined time - otherwise the connection will
be severed.
For instructions on how to install, configure and operate
pcAnywhere, please refer to the manual supplied together
with the software.
The icon in the Systray list indicates whether a connection has success-
fully been established or not.
6. Software