Instruction manual V 6.0 - 08/2006
7.8 Setting the sectioning parameters
Proceed as follows:
1. On the computer screen, open the „Main window“, select „MANUAL“
mode of operation. Subsequently, select the desired section thickness
and the cutting window. For further information, refer to chapter 6.4.
7.8.1 Sectioning the specimen
For the sectioning procedure, you need brush, sectioning tool and spe-
cial section collecting tape and - depending on the application - a dehy-
dration frame.
The required accessories should be stored in the cryochamber
for some time prior to sectioning to make sure they have the
same temperature as the specimen.
Proceed as follows:
1. Activate the knee lever - for further steps, please see chapter 3.4.2.
7.8.2 Collecting the sections
Prior to removing a section, an appropriately sized piece of tape must be
attached to the specimen block surface. When doing so, please comply
with the following safety instructions:
Wear protective gloves.
Never try to catch or grab the knife.
Never introduce your hands into the space between specimen
and knife.
7. Operating the Leica CM3600