
XP20 User Manual
Janam Technologies LLC
C. USB Updater Process
1. First check that you have the necessary files to perform the update to your device. You will need:
a. Palm Desktop (download available at www.janam.com as noted above)
b. USB Updater Application (available at Janam’s Partnerzone)
c. Correct XP20 or XP30 ROM Image (available at Janam’s Partnerzone)
2. Open the Palm Quick Install application on your desktop from the Palm Desktop Start Menu.
3. On the Palm Quick Install window that appears, click the Add button, then browse to and select the USB
Updater Application. You will see an onscreen message: ‘USB Application will be installed during next
Hotsync Operation’. Click OK.
4. Close the Palm Quick Install window on your desktop by clicking on the ‘X’ box in the top right corner.
5. Connect your XP Series device and synch the device (this can be done with the USB/Serial cable or a
cradle kit).
6. A Select a User window will open on your desktop. Select OK.
7. A Device Reset Required message will open on the handheld. Tap Reset.
D. ROM Update Procedure
1. On the XP device, tap the Home icon.
2. Scroll down to USB Updater Application and tap the icon.
3. A window displaying ‘Do not interrupt the ROM update process until it is complete.’ will appear. Tap the
window at the bottom of that screen that says ‘Tap here to start ROM update procedure.’.
4. On the desktop a Removable Drive window will appear. Drag and drop the appropriate ROM file to that
window to copy the file. The file may take a moment to copy.
***CAUTION*** Make certain that you use the correct “bin file” for your device. If you use
the BIN file for an XP20 on an XP30, or vice-versa, the unit will fail to boot-up. If you have any
questions about this, please contact inquiries@janam.com.
5. When the file is finished copying, eject the removable drive. To do this, go to My Computer and right
click on the drive to select Eject.
6. A ROM Update Complete message will appear on the handheld, instructing you to perform a hard reset.
It is now safe to remove/disconnect the handheld to perform the hard reset.
E. Perform a Hard Reset
1. Remove the battery cover.
2. Press and hold the power button while you press and release the reset button. Hold the power button
until the Palm logo appears, then release the power button.
3. A message will appear stating that all data will be erased. Enter Yes.
4. Replace the battery cover.
5. Check the ROM version to make sure the new ROM was installed properly. To do this:
a. Select the Memo Pad application on a Janam XP unit.
b. Select New.
c. Write “shortcut dot 9” (as shown below) in the numeric section of the Graffiti pad. Your unit’s ROM
build date and time will be displayed.