Font Size
Super-Set Commands, 202
Form Feed
Epson, 171
Proprinter XL, 131
P-Series, 43
P-Series XQ, 69
Serial Matrix, 97
Form Length and Width, 204
Forms Length Set (Inches)
Proprinter XL, 131
P-Series, 43
Serial Matrix, 97
Forms Length Set (Lines)
Proprinter XL, 132
P-Series, 44
Serial Matrix, 98
bit image, 258
Double Density Double Speed (Epson), 173
Double Density (Epson), 172
P-Series high density, 51
P-Series normal density, 51
Quadruple Density (Epson), 174
Standard Density (Epson), 171
Graphics and Text
combining, 269
Graphics Mode
8-Pin, 185
Half Speed Mode, On/Off
Epson, 174
High Density Graphics
P-Series, 51
High Density Plot Sample, 265
Horizontal Image Shift
Super-Set Commands, 210
Horizontal Movements in Printer Resolution, 205
Horizontal Tab
Proprinter XL, 132
Serial Matrix, 99
Horizontal Tab Execute
Epson, 175
Horizontal Tab Set
Serial Matrix, 99
Horizontal Tab Set/Release
Epson, 175
Horizontal Tab Set/Reset
Proprinter XL, 133
Horizontal/Vertical Tabs Clear
Proprinter XL, 133
Host Form Size, 205
IBM Proprinter III XL
overview See Proprinter III XL emulation, 113
Image Width
Super-Set Commands, 210
Control Code
Epson, 157
Proprinter XL, 117
P-Series, 28
P-Series XQ, 64
Serial Matrix, 79
Initialize Parameters
Proprinter XL, 134
Initialize Printer
Epson, 176
Interleaved 2/5, 238
International Character Set Select
Epson, 162
P-Series, 37
Serial Matrix, 90
International character sets
Epson, 162
Italic Printing
Epson, 176
Italic Printing, Cancel
Epson, 176